That's today's question. And America, I hope you're paying attention, because I'm going to need answers.
Today I watched a film on Netflix, called Just One of The Guys. I'm not proud of this, you understand, because, oh my LIFE, it was a ghastly film. A cast of unknowns who remained unknown because not one of them could convincingly act their way out of a wet paper bag. Genuinely, I don't think I've seen such wooden acting since Thunderbirds.
But there was something about it. As you can see from the IMDB link, this was a 1985 film, and it's classified as a 15. And, more importantly, it's got boobies. Not "more importantly" because I particularly like boobies (although...), but more importantly because the film had a fair amount of nudity, and the world didn't actually implode because of it. Tellingly, however, there wasn't much in the way of violence, apart from the usual High School crap - it seems high schools in America are unable to function without having at least one muscle-bound jock stomping round the school, bullying the nerds and, apparently, getting the prettiest girl. I do wonder just how clichéd this old chestnut actually is, but that's beside the point right now.
The point is that, and I really can't emphasise this sufficiently - THERE WERE BOOBIES!!
So, America, back to my question - what the hell happened between 1985 and 2013 (probably earlier, remembering that whole "nipplegate" thing) to make you all so damn prudish?
I'm not saying, for one pico-second, that every film in existence should have boobies, but I question your easy acceptance of anything remotely (and often graphically) violent, and your (sometimes violent) rejection of anything vaguely naked. My brother has often said that he'd rather his children be exposed to sex than violence, because, at some point in their lives, he hopes, they'll actually get to experience sex - at NO point in their lives does he want them to experience violence. And I feel exactly the same way.
I'll write another post about my feelings towards the "porn filters" being set up by various ISPs, but I'll summarise by saying I'm not completely against them. I just wonder whether they're going to filter the all-too-prevalent, all-too-graphic violence too. Just sayin'.
And when, America, did you slip into the aforementioned, easy acceptance of all things violent? SO damn often we have "moms" banging on the "won't someone think of the CHILDREN" drum, because, Oh My God - a kid could see a NIPPLE!
America - answer me this. How, exactly, is the sight of a nipple, or even a whole bosom, going to harm a child? Do these same "moms" (and I'm sorry for the quotes, but I spell it mum) feel the need to "protect" their children from any of the violence to which they're exposed?
I'm sorry, America, I got carried away with questions, but I'm really quite curious now.
Oh, and I'm sorry/delighted to say that the film's only available on Netflix until tomorrow!
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15 years ago
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