Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Web Cam

Some time ago I discovered a wonderful tool, LogMeIn, which allows me to remote control another computer onto which I've installed it. This, as you can imagine, makes my support easier, because it's often possible to remotely control a PC, find out what the problem is, and fix it without having to trawl all the way over to Woking.

I've already used it on my home computer today, and have made valuable use of it in the past, to check how something reacts when it's not hidden behind the barbed-wire-and-concrete of my work ISA server.

So you're getting the picture that it's a very useful thing to have. It's like having a window into your own home.

As I strolled back from lunch this afternoon, I was struck with a sudden desire to have a similar thing attached to my Freezer. I planned to use some of my lunchtime to place my shopping order online, but I really wanted to find out if I have any mince in my freezer.

What I want is the ability to log into my freezer remotely, and find out what I've got in there.

1 comment:

Mark said...

You can't have a webcam in a freezer - there is no light unless the door is open!