Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Finding a Higgs Boson Particle.

I know. They're going to turn on the LHC tomorrow, and we're all going to be sucked into a black hole. Very scary.

However, assuming we DON'T get sucked into any kind of black hole - in fact, assuming that no black hole is actually created, I worry about this search for the Higgs Boson particle. What if, contrary to Stephen Hawking's expectation, they do, indeed, find it, but it turns out NOT to provide unlimited understanding of our universe?

What, are they going to say it's not actually a Higgs boson at all, but some other particle (and they need only look as far as Star Trek for some damn fine particle names if they get stuck)?

I just feel that all those nice scientists are going to be so very disappointed!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Noting, of course, that they are not going to turn it up to full power for ages (a year?), so nothing is going to happen for a good while yet.