Sunday, 10 August 2008

Going to the Movies

So what happened? Last year, just as soon as I mentioned that I was single again, there was a flurry of interest. Invitations came, minor flirting happened.

But it was all too soon. I wanted time to regain my equilibrium. Find my chi. Stretch out alone in the king size bed, and feel nothing there. I wasn't ready to start looking for the next man - yet!

I'm still not ready for anything serious, but I want to go to the Movies. There are films I want to see which aren't suitable for my girls, and while I did enjoy Wall-e very much, the thought of having to sit through High School Musical 3 fills me, as you can possibly imagine, with horror. I want to go and see Hellboy II. I wanted to go and see Wanted (Angelina Jolie and guns - nuff said) ,but missed it. I want to go and see The Mummy 3 - it's got Terracotta Warriors, I'm hard pressed how it can get any better. I missed the latest Indiana Jones movie because the girls didn't want to go. The summer is filled with blockbusters, and I can't find a film buddy.

It's not just the silly blockbusters, although, as you can see, there's a certain excitement generated at the thought of going to see some of them. I want to go and see slightly odd films. Not as odd, you understand, as The Fountain, a film so obscure and strange that I still have no idea what it was all about. I love foreign films - especially those from the east. The Chinese have produced some gloriously beautiful films. Hero - all those beautiful colours, and an ending requiring a boxful of tissues. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - equally beautiful, and with wonderful story.

And what of Anime, I hear you cry? I'm getting to that. I LOVE Anime! Is it just me, or do the Japanese really have the most way out imagination in the world? I can imagine the conversation in Hollywood...

"So, I've got this idea for a movie."
"OK - let's hear it!"
"Right, it's set in the future, not too far..."
"Oooh, Sci-fi - I like it!"
"And there are these kids..."
"Good, appeals to all age groups - I'm getting ya!"
"And they all have a little implant which allows them to connect to the web."
"OK - I'm still on-board."
"And these glasses which allow them to see what they're accessing with their virtual keyboards, which they can't see unless they've got their glasses on..."
"And the whole space around them is created in cyber space, but sometimes the space gets corrupted, so someone's created these big ol' virus programs which go round trying to re-format the corrupted space..."
"Say wha'?"
"No, stay with me! But there's a problem because the virus programs can actually affect the kids, if they're caught by them while wearing their glasses..."
"And they've got these little cyber-pets, which they can't touch, and can't see without their glasses..."
"Bye now, missing you already!"

This is actually the premise behind Denou Coil (which I found on the net not that long ago), and it's really that weird! But it's got a great story. Obviously someone would grumble about the lack of tactile feedback on a virtual keyboard... Although most of the Anime I've seen is a) suitable for children and b) far too big to be contained in anything as short as a film, there have been some wonderful films - the most notable being those created by Miyazaki.

So, this is my crie de coeur - I want to go to the MOVIES!

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