Monday, 18 July 2011


Inspiration is slow in arriving today. I suspect I may be tired after the drive. This has probably got a lot to do with last night’s supper, which was truly delicious! But there I go, leaping into the middle, instead of starting at a sensible place, like, for example, the beginning!

Yesterday morning I set off from home, with a packed car, to drive to Paris. Tickets booked for the Chunnel in advance, I arrived at the terminal in perfectly good time to check in. In fact, such good time that I was able to go straight round to the loading area, and had only a short wait before the process started.

Once on French soil, I headed down the coast road towards Boulogne. One of the good things about travelling alone is that there’s no one to grumble if you choose to listen to something like, say, the soundtrack from Spirited Away. The downside is that when you get to the payage stations, you have to hop out and scurry round the car to get your ticket. Another upside is that there’s no one to caution you against picking up hitch-hikers. So I did. Pick a couple up, not caution myself against it. To my delight (and indeed surprise) I was NOT murdered, robbed or anything else unpleasant. The couple, from the Czech republic, were polite, and their English was certainly better than my Czech! In fact, they navigated me all the way to Versailles, which was a double bonus, to go on top of not murdering and burgling me.

And so I found my way to Ariane's place in Meudon (just down the road from Johnny Depp's place), and was introduced to her parents. These are very nice people. But as it happens, we were due to be eating supper with Margot's parents. Margot is Lizzy's penfriend. And Margot's mum is scary!

However, supper was really good, but of course there was quite a lot of wine, and it would have been churlish to refuse, wouldn't it? It's very likely that's what the cause of the screaming headache was, this morning. And this is where Ariane's parents get another plus point - paracetomol, pressed warmly into my hands, as I stumbled into the kitchen. Merci beaucoup!

So, tent pitched, limited wifi connection (doesn't like my phone, or windows 7), and not the very best of weather. I must check the forecast...